An exerpt from Christine Wertheim’s ‘Pamela Aber / Who Are You’ from ‘[out of nothing]’ Print Issue #0.
The issue is introduced by a special M.C.; or, emcee and Issue #0 includes contributions from Vanessa Place of Les Figues Press, Bhanu Kapil and critical commentary from “guest editors”—Walter Benjamin, Jean Baudrillard, Jacques Derrida and Søren Kierkegaard—crafted by anonymous special editors who “channel or serve as a purely literary medium for a dead theorist.” Read a interview with “Jacques Derrida” on the journal’s blog, Outward From Nothingness.
Edited by Joe Milazzo (Critical Studies MFA 08), Janice Lee (Critical Studies MFA 08) and Eric Lindley (Critical Studies/Music MFA 08), the 144-page journal includes work from CalArts faculty members Jon Wagner and Christine Wertheim and the following CalArts alumni: Danielle Adair (Critical Studies MFA 07), Nicholas Grider (Interschool BFA 08), Sergio Hernandez (Critical Studies MFA 09), Maxi Kim (Critical Studies MFA 07), Ian M McCarty (Critical Studies MFA 08), Gerard Olson (Critical Studies MFA 07), Laura A. Vena (Critical Studies MFA 08) and Jared Woodland (Critical Studies MFA 09). The book itself was designed by CalArts alum Joe Potts (Art, Critical Studies, Integrated Media MFA 09).
Issue #0 is available for a discounted price of $10 through Oct. 31, which includes “personal communication” from one of the issue’s guest editors/commentators (i.e., Benjamin, Baudrillard, Derrida or Kierkegaard; chosen at random) as well as a commemorative postcard.
- A new online edition, Issue #6: “in the mirror, a sleep, a spectral nothing” is coming in Winter / Spring 2013.
- Read previous online issues of [out of nothing].