BeBe Miller Company: A History. Designers: Pedro Lavin and Jenee Jernigan
The REDCAT Poster Archive, which was established last year, showcases posters created by CalArts’ graphic design students to promote REDCAT events around the CalArts campus. Since 2005, nearly all of the more than 200 posters in the REDCAT Poster Series have been printed in small runs and hung around the Institute, with the more popular designs disappearing off the walls overnight.
The creation of the online archive, led by CalArts Interim Director of Creative Services Joseph Prichard, is intended to share student designs that represent a deep and varied body of work with an audience far beyond CalArts’ walls.
The site has been updated with about 50 new posters designed during the 2012-13 academic year; a few of the images have been posted in the photo gallery, above.