‘The Yogurt Connection (Powerpoint Presentation)’ by Tan Jimreivat screens at the Film and Video Program showcase on April 30. | Image: Screenshot
by Leann Lo, MFA 1 student in CalArts’ Creative Writing Program
On April 30, the CalArts School of Film/Video screens short films made by students in the Film and Video program for the school’s annual showcase, held at the Roy and Edna Disney/CalArts Theater (REDCAT) in Downtown Los Angeles.
On the program:
- The Child’s Guide to the Bad Guys by Emily Drossner (Film/Video MFA 18)
- The Castaways by Elisheva Engel (Film/Video BFA 19)
- Transmission by Morgan McGlothan (Film/Video BFA 17)
- Eye Spy by Sara Martin (Film/Video BFA 16)
- What About You? by Riley Hanyue Shen (Film/Video BFA 16)
- Pure Perception by Zhuoyun Chen (Film/Video MFA 17)
- If I Were Any Further Away I’d Be Closer to Home by Rajee Samarasinghe (Film/Video MFA 16)
- FOOTAGE by Minjung Kim (Film/Video MFA 15)
- Parallel Inquiries by Christina Nguyen (Film/Video MFA 16)
- As Without So Within by Manuela de Laborde (Film/Video MFA 16)
- The Yogurt Connection (Powerpoint Presentation) by Tan Jimreivat (Film/Video MFA 15)
- Ants by Jesse Smith (BFA 16)
- De Gschichte vo a Boarische Afrikanerin (The Story of a Bavarian African Girl) by Chephrena Mbouombouo (Film/Video BFA 18)
- Sim by Alexander Girav (Film/Video BFA 17)
- Luna e santur/moon and the sun when the old world dies and the new world begins by Joshua Solondz (Film/Video MFA 16)
- Everything around you and yourself in the middle of it (distilled) by Jackie Aldern (Film/Video MFA 17)
- BLUA by Carolina Charry Quintero (Film/Video MFA 15)
- The Persistence of Memory by Leanna Kaiser (Film/Video BFA 16)
- For Paradise by Elizabeth Webb (Film/Video MFA 16)
Above: An excerpt from ‘For Paradise’ by Elizabeth Margaret Webb.
This year’s selection committee is comprised of faculty members Betzy Bromberg and Charlotte Pryce along with alumi Natasha Mendonca and Damir Inbar
The screening is free and open to the public, but reservations are required due to limited seating. For more information about all 2016 Film/Video Showcase screenings held at REDCAT and CalArts, visit the site.
Event Details
Film/Video Showcase: Program in Film and Video
April 30, 7 pm
631 W. 2nd St., Los Angeles