Please click here if you cannot see the Fallen Fruit video.
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Fallen Fruit, the LA-based activist art project co-founded by CalArts faculty Matias Viegener and David Burns (Art BFA 93) and photographer and videographer Austin Young, are making national waves—with their work encapsulated in the CBS News report, above.
One of the collective’s core projects is to map neighborhoods (to which they are invited) and draw out all the fruit trees which grow in or over public space. While municipal codes vary from city to city, in Los Angeles, for example, much of the public fruit is ripe for the taking.
While Fallen Fruit hasn’t quite mapped out every city, they’ve created neighborhood fruit maps for several cities in the U.S., Mexico and Europe. We’ve included a few examples just in time for the summer harvest.
To see all of Fallen Fruit’s maps, please visit their Facebook page.